February 13, 2011

I'm baaaaaaaack!!!

You guys sick of Christmas music yet? I hate that I never feel like blogging. I need to get back into the groove. I spruced up my blog to make me excited for spring. Maybe that will make me want to blog more. I don't know. I was feeling very overwhelmed when I opened my blog and saw the Christmas stuff so I would just close out of it and try to forget about it. Maybe this is a new start :)
I have a few updates, but no pictures. I'm too lazy to walk downstairs and get my camera, hook it up to my computer and upload them. haha. Maybe another day.
Update #1
-Tami had her baby! His name is Tyce and he's a cutie pie. I just got a dang cold a couple days ago so I haven't been able to see him in awhile. I'm angry about that. I like babies :)
Update #2
-Yesterday was the hottie husband's birthday. Have I ever mentioned how much I love him? Well I do. He's the greatest thing since french fries. We both got massages at our fav place and went and got sushi at Happy Sumo with Linz and Reed. It was TASTY. I want more right this second. Judd is such a hard worker and I love and admire him more and more everyday. We have the best friendship and the best marriage and he is definitely the greatest blessing in my life. Happy Birthday to him.
Update #3
-We always go see Darby for our massage needs (like yesterday) and she's GOING OUT OF BUSINESS. I am so sad. Just thought I'd throw that out there.
Update #4
-As mentioned above, I have a stupid cold. I have gone ALL WINTER wiping gooey 5 year old noses and haven't caught one. I just started taking lots of Vitamin C a couple of weeks ago and now I get one? Where the heck did I pick this up? If I find out it was from you-you're gonna be in big trouble.
Update #5
-Next week is the start of 3 weeks in a row where I only have to work 4 days a week. Sweet huh? Not quite as good as going off track, but still something to look forward to.
Update #6
I'm looking for a summer job that pays fairly decently...if you hear of anything you should tell me k?

Alright, that's all for now. The dryer just stopped so that's my cue to go fold laundry. You're welcome for taking down that stinkin' Christmas music!:)


Maghann said...

Yay!!! Your new blog look is super darling. I am literally aching for spring to come and your blog is so cheery :) Sorry you have a cold my dear - try some Vitamin D. Love you!!

Anonymous said...

Nice work on the post love. Thanks for the nice things you say about me. Love you!

Judd (not anonymous)