October 31, 2010

Hangin Tough

Halloween was so much fun this year! I loved that Judd got so into dressing up. It's the first time since I've known him! I've decided that he gets to chose the costumes from now on since that seemed to make him excited about it. It was cute to watch him get into it and maybe someday he'll love Halloween as much as I do!

We had fun with Maghann, Paul, Amanda, Spencer and Quinn. Maghann made super yummy chocolate fondue and I STUFFED myself. I seriously almost threw up when we were leaving. Good thing I'm going to my exercise class tomorrow. Anyway, we played cards with everyone and had lots of fun. I like our little Halloween tradition. We didn't get to scare any trick-or-treaters this year because of the lame rain, but we still had a really good time.

Judd and I looked pretty tough if I do say so myself. Judd actually pulls off that look pretty well....don't get any ideas love. :) He made a pretty great "skin head". I compromised with him on what he wanted me to be (a crack whore) hahaha....and dressed like a biker chick instead. We left our stupid camera at home, so maybe I'll post more pics when I get them from Maghann, but we did take some when we got home, so enjoy!

Now I am ready to get excited for Thanksgiving! HORRAY for the holidays!


Ashley said...

Yeah Judd looks scary. It looks so real! I'm going to have nightmares. If I showed that picture to Makaili she might break down crying. Cool costumes!

Kathrin Paul said...

Crack whore. LOL.

Wardles said...

It turned out great! You guys look awesome!

Rob and Tami Stewart said...

Wow, you guys are pretty convincing!

Steph said...

Holy Scare-y! Judd looks to real. That's crazy. I think I might steal that pic and frame it so I have something to show people when I show them pics of my family. hahaha! Srsly. You guys rocked it. But crack whore? That's funny! I like your compromise. My question is this. 1. How'd you do the nose rings!? and B. Who did J's arms!? Way awesome.