September 10, 2010

Dear Emily,

This is for you! I will attempt to post things more often because I would NEVER want you to become bored with my awesome blog. :)
I survived another first week of teaching. That means I have FIVE under my belt. Five first weeks of CRAZINESS. I'm exhausted. For real. I always forget, every single year, how tiring the first few weeks of school are. I think it's like how women forget how painful childbirth is. If you remembered exactly how much fun it's NOT, you wouldn't want to ever do it again. That's how the first week of school is. Don't you agree? kids are darling darling darling. Their little personalities are soooooo endearing and are already sneaking their way into my heart. I'm already quoting and copying them at home. Judd loves it. Or I pretend he does anyway.
With that said, I need to complain for minute about stress. I am surrounded by stress at the moment.

Judd is stressed, I am stressed, we are stressed together, stress stress stress. You know the suckiest thing about it? He's always so dang busy that we don't have time to hang out and relax. Which means that I just end up being lazy 'cause I'm "hanging out" alone which makes me more stressed. And I just realized that I've been grinding my teeth for the past hour as I have been thinking about how stressed out I am. I think I need a vacation...and I KNOW Judd does. He has ZERO free time. I'm not exaggerating. So if you ask us to hang out with you and I tell you that we can't because Judd has to study, I am not just finding a sneaky way out of not hanging out with you. For real. Last weekend (you know, the nice long holiday weekend), Judd and I spent MAYBE a total of 5 hours together and it was mostly after 10pm each night. Poor guy. I wish I could lighten his load a bit.
I was watching Wife Swap a week or so ago and this lady made her whole family do positive affirmations each morning before they left the house. Maybe I should write some stress relieving affirmations so I don't feel like my head is going to explode. Or
maybe you (Emily) could write me a social story about how to cope with all the stress in my life. I could read it to myself every morning. I think that is a really great idea.


Emily said...

Okay.....You are funny! I am so glad you updated your blog for me. You made me laugh. I will work on that social story. We need to find a way to make it through this challenging year! :)

Wardles said...

I know this was for Emily, but I'm commenting anyway. I totally agree with you on the first few weeks of school. I was in first grade, so the transition to full days was torture for the kids and me. Also, you just got rid of these kids that were just how you wanted them and have then have to train a whole new crew. It is hard. Hang in there. Sorry that things have been so crazy for you and your husband. That is no fun. Hope things get better. =)

Maghann said...

I hope Judd's head doesn't explode. That would be very bad. Sorry you never see each other - I will pray that this semester goes by very fast for you :(. But you should come over to my house more oftener since you are alone a lot :)

The Allen's said...

You can come hang out with Tayla and I :)