November 07, 2009


I want to blog about my fun-filled-fall adventures, but I don't have pictures as of now. We had fun carving pumpkins with my nephews and niece, but the pictures are cuter than just writing about it. We went to a super duper Halloween get together and Judd even dressed up for me (even though he REALLY didn't want to), but words don't do justice to how awesome his face looked or how fun our friends were. My niece, Tayla, just turned 2 yesterday and her party was super cute, but alas, I didn't take pictures. So, just so you know, we've been having fun, but I have a LAME SAUCE camera, so I just let everyone else take pictures for me, and then I have to wait to get them. I am going to be looking for a stellar deal on a camera the day after Thanksgiving.

My off-track time has been amazing. I have slept in but stayed busy. Judd and I went to Park City and had lots of fun. Oh, I have pictures of that too, but on a disposable camera (how cool are we?) that we haven't finished the film on yet. We went shopping at the outlets and discovered the Croc outlet. Didn't know that existed. I immediately thought of my friend Adrianne who HATED crocs. She would've died in that store. They make ALL kinds of shoes, it was pretty crazy, and I will sheepishly admit that I thought some of their designs were kind of cool, and I probably would wear some of them (only if no one could tell they were crocs...). I still have one week left of freedom and I am going to seal the grout on our tile and watch some more Price is Right.

I am getting excited for the holidays. This year I have been thinking about family traditions and what traditions Judd and I could start and have them be our own. I have only come up with one so far. I am thinking it would be cool to write letters to our family members on Thanksgiving and tell them specific things about them that we are thankful for. I want to try to make Thanksgiving more meaningful and not just about food and football (although I do love those aspects of it). What kinds of holiday traditions do you have? Please share, but be warned, I might steal them. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I always went to West Valley's little rinky-dink parade the day after thanksgiving with my grandpa. It's always early and cold, so we'd get McDonald's breakfast and hot cocoa and watch the "floats" go by, the jr. high marching band, the shriners, etc. Lame parade, but great memories with him.