Okay, this topic seriously makes me feel anger inside. It's kinda silly that it makes me angry, but it really does, and I just need to know if there are other people out there that feel the same, because it seems as though not many people share my opinion. So, the issue that is making me so upset is TAYLOR SWIFT. What the @*%^ is up with her winning so many awards? And being nominated for artist of the year along with Michael Jackson? Seriously? Can they even be compared? I DO NOT think she is a talented singer! Okay, so she writes her own songs. They appeal to teeny bopper girls. Sweet. Then give her a dang song writing award. Have these people ever heard her live? Come on! She SUCKS SUPER BAD EVERY SINGLE TIME. Anybody can sound good in a recording studio with amazing technology to hide your tone deaf issues. If you can't sing live then you're not a good singer. End of story. If you can't sing live, you SHOULD NOT be nominated for artist of the year. What is the deal with this girl? Can someone please explain the hype? I mean, I'll be the first to admit that sometimes, sometimes I don't change the station when her songs come on the radio, but sometimes I don't change it when the Backstreet Boys come on either. Let's be honest people. Her songs are catchy, but she can't sing. I hate so much that she wins so many awards and the people that are employed in the music industry are the ones that are giving her all of these dang things. Let's recognize people with talent please. Otherwise, nominate me for those awards. I bet I could sing them better than Taylor! GRRRRRRRR!!!!
I think the only reason people "like" her is because they have nothing else to invest in right now. She's being built up and sold, just like "toxic wasted" real estate was before the so called housing crisis. I, as an investor will NOT buy TASFT (her stock market ticker name:) even if it means that I'm not on the band wagon. I hold to my morals/convictions. And, I come out ahead in the end. Soon enough, you Taylor Swift lovers are going to be in crisis. YOu'll realize that you've made a HUGE mistake. By then, it will be too late. You'll realize she sucks and you'll never be able to state that you did not listen to or buy her crap! Just Sayin'
I confess... I like a few of her songs... or I did until I heard them on every single stinkin' radio station and like you... I am really sick of hearing about her ALL THE TIME!
We must remember that the days of being appreciated for talent are long gone. Now days, the only requirement is having a sellable image. It's incredibly unfortunate, and super irritating, I agree. How I wish we were still in the days where you could look like Bob Dylan and be the best there is. I love the pic of her, by the way!
Miss you!
I like the picture. Nice paint skills! Ok. So you know that I like TS. And I agree, she isn't always good live. . .which is why I wouldn't want to go to a concert. But I also wouldn't go to a Rascal Flatts concert for the same reason, they are often totally off when they sing live. I think that there are quite a few people out there who don't sing well. But, in my opinion, what TS lacks when she sings live is an entertainment quality. She is fun and quirky and puts on a show. I think she is really funny. I've seen a few of her youtube vids and I laugh sometimes. I thought she really held her own on SNL.
Now. Do I think she is of the same caliber as MJ? Absolutely not. He was a musical genious who cannot be topped. I would put Alicia Keyes or John Mayer before TS. But I think that the AMA's are based on record sales, aren't they? Whereas when she won the CMA "Entertainer of the Year", I think she won rightfully. In country music, she is a great entertainer, tone deaf or not.
But. I guess it all just boils down to personal preference. I'm glad we can agree to disagree about TS and still be friends. Because I would drop her like a rock for you. FYI.
Correction: But, in my opinion, what TS lacks when she sings live SHE MAKES UP FOR IN entertainment quality.
Sorry. I guess I should edit before I post.
Good thing you sent in that correction, Biph, cuz I was confused!
I have never heard a single Taylor Swift song and I didn't know she won all those awards (except for that time that one black guy said Beyonce was better or something, but I still don't even know what award show that was). But Chunky, I like that you vented your opinion on this subject cuz I too sometimes have things like this that REALLY bug me (like how everyone is crazily obsessed with the Twilight series and I think they're the dumbest books ever).
Even though I've never heard her, I have to agree that her music could NOT be equal to MJ's. And even if she were to have the kind of talent he has, it couldn't be proved until years of albums had been released and the longevity of her creativity and talent had been revealed. That's what makes MJ so awesome... throughout all those years he kept making awesome music. Only bands like the Beatles, etc. can be compared to someone like MJ. It doesn't make sense to give someone like Taylor Swift the same award as Michael Jackson. But whatever, the entertainment industry is all self-absorbed anyway, in my opinion.
Love you Chunk!
Becky..you're hilarious! I love this post!
By the way, verizon FINALLY got their butts out to my house in BFE and installed internet service. So I don't have to go to the wifi cafe anymore. So, my updates should be better now... well, until the baby comes anyway! Saw the midwife today, I'm dilated to a 1, so things are in motion... could be tomorrow, could be 2 weeks though. Tick tock, tick tock... sigh!
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