February 06, 2009

I love baked potatoes!

My FAVORITE food in the whole world is baked potatoes! For a really long time I have wanted to eat a humongous potato, but just have never done it. I tried once, I went to a restaurant and they had "monster" potatoes on their menu, so I ordered one and was REALLY excited. I thought it was going to be really huge because they waiter told me I should probably just get a half of one, but I didn't because I was trying to fulfill my dream. Anyway, I was extremely disappointed when the waiter brought it out. I eat those kinds of potatoes every day. He was lame.
I saw this one at the grocery store and just knew it was my destiny. Please keep in mind that it is on a rather large dinner plate, not a salad plate, and that the fork I used is also larger than normal. It was so fabulous. I loved it so much! :)

Here it is all made up, my favorite way, butter, sour cream, cheese and salt!

Disappointingly, this is the best I could do. I'll have to try again I guess.


Anonymous said...

mmmm I love potatoes, but then again... you already knew that!! Good luck with your goal and hopefully one day you will eat a giant potato!!

The Doutts said...

When we get Idaho spuds from my sister I will have to give you some, they're HUGE. We already ate all the ones we got last harvest.

Anonymous said...

I did get the funeral info. I saw it in the Deseret News. I am going to have Spencer go with me tomorrow night, but I may have to skip the funeral. I am sad about that but with work, it may be to hard. I will see how I feel on Thursday work-load wise and make the decision then. Are you going to the funeral or just the viewing on Thursday. Spencer has to work and I don't feel like sitting by myself... I think that is too hard to do by yourself.

Steph said...

What a freak potato! Good thing you spotted it at the grocery store and put it out of it's misery! And good thing you spotted it so you could fulfill what you were destined to accomplish! {few} Now what?

I wish I could find my potato so I could die happy.


Kathrin Paul said...

I could go for a potato right now. I love that this was such an exciting thing for you!

sware said...

Who doesn't love potatoes?! In fact I ate one tonight with mushrooms:) I'm glad to hear that you are enjoying a classic favorite:)

How are you doing my friend?!I love that you posted about potatoes. It just made my day!!

Spood... Spud....and some call me Sarah:)

Steph said...

update, please :)

Wardles said...

Better than I could do! Potatoes are filling!

April said...

Oh my heck, how did this post pass me by for so long?!! I love potatoes too, and just like that, with sour cream, cheese and all that yummy yummy stuff! Now I really want one! Congratulations on eating that huge potato, I wish I could have been there with you to eat one, too!