January 26, 2009

Yo Soy Muy Honesta

At least according to Maghann. She tagged me with the Honest Award, so here's the deal.

Here are the rules for the Honest Scrap award -
The honorees are to:
A) first list 10 honest things about yourself - and make it interesting, even if you have to dig deep!
B) pass the award on to 7 bloggers that you feel embody the spirit of the Honest Scrap.

So here go my 10 honest things.
1. The thing I think I am most afraid of is Judd dying. Seriously, I'll be driving in the car and hear a song like Tim McGraw's If You're Reading This and get really teary eyed. I bawled my eyes out in the movie P.S. I Love You because I could just imagine myself being like that if Judd died. Sometimes I think about it too much and get really scared and have to pray for comfort and knowledge that Judd isn't going to die. :)
2. I'm afraid I'm going to be a really impatient mom. I lose my patience really quickly with my students sometimes and wonder what the heck I'm going to do when they're my own kids.
3. I can belch louder than my husband. (sorry I stole one of yours Maghann) He gets really proud of himself when he burps and it's semi close to one of mine. :)
4. When I am asked what my favorite books are, I either have to lie and say something sophisticated like, Les Miserables or I have to be embarrassed and admit that it's Harry Potter.
5. I am fairly concerned about what people think about me, and tend to assume the worst. For example, if I am at my sister's house and she keeps texting someone, I usually think she's saying something bad about me. Weird.
6. I have already said this on here before, but I really hate to shower. When I worked at Oakcrest, I had an excuse to shower only once from Mon-Fri and I honestly didn't mind it that much.
7. I love going to the beach, but I HATE the way that the sand feels on my feet when it dries. It's so awful to me that it actually puts a damper on my beach experiences.
8. I really, really like potato chips. :) I could eat way more than I should.
9. I wish that my best friend was Memot Okur. I think he's really cute, and I love that he looks like he just got out of bed everytime he's playing a game.
10. I am doing this while I'm at a training for work. Needless to say, I'm not paying attention to what I am supposed to be. Give me a break though, it's a really boring training.

Now I am giving the honest award to:
1. Tami
2. Katherine/Bipheda
3. Laura
4. Bekah
5. Jessica
6. Lauri
7. Steph


Maghann said...

I am so there with you on #1. Seriously - I could work myself up into hyperventilation it's so bad.

Steph said...

HA! I love 'em! We're a lot alike!And don't you worry about patience with your own kids...the Lord makes it so you love your own kids more than yourself...more than life...and more than anybody else's kids. Yes, including mine. I know, hard to believe. But on those days where your patience IS running thin (which it inevitably will) that's when you call Judd to come home early, call a friend or just put them down for an early nap to save all of you :) Like you saved me up in Utah. Thanks again! Love ya!

The Allen's said...

Thanks for tagging me jerk! ha Jk I have nothing better to fo with my time while my husband watches a bloody movie

Linds said...

amen to your #6! I'm exactly the same way... and you know, I'm quite thrilled to know I'm not alone in that and that someone as beautiful as yourself doesn't like to shower either! :)

Anonymous said...

I agree with number one as well and will also get so worked up about it. I have no idea why I do that to myself. I also agree with showers, sometimes they are a pain and just this morning as I was showering I was thinking... this is such a waste of time... I could still be in bed sleeping!!

April said...

WHY would you be embarrassed to say that the Harry Potter series are your favorite books?! Be proud to love Harry! Don't worry, I bet your sister wasn't texting mean things about you.

Anonymous said...

I bet she was texting bad things about you. She's really bad like that:)

Kathrin Paul said...

I will get on this. I'm sad that I haven't read your blog in forever!