Here's a little re-cap of my life, thanks to Lauri. :)
20 years ago... I was 5. I loved Teddy Ruxpin and Care Bears. I really thought that the Care Bears would come to me when I was really sad. They never did. :) I got my 1st cat and named her Pearl. My mom babysat and I remember that the kids used to torture Pearl all of the time. She was a really ornery cat the rest of her life.
10 years ago...I was attending Hunter Jr. High. I was on Dance Company and I loved it. I started to get really close to Amber Mills and we were inseparable for many years to come. I was boy crazy like any girl in 9th grade but I had a crush on someone new almost everyday.
5 years ago...I was preparing to go back to Oakcrest for the 2nd year. I was an assistant director with two of my now best friends, Bekah (Caliope) and Lindsey (Tinkles). I talked Lauri into applying and was so happy when she interviewed and accepted the job. Working at Oakcrest for 2 summers was one of the best things I've ever done and I have wonderful memories of those summers! It also indirectly led to me meeting the most wonderful man in the world (Judd) since Lindsey was the one that set us up, and I met Lindsey at Oakcrest.
1 year ago...Judd and I had been married for about 5 months. I had been teaching for 7 and was actually starting to like it. Judd was going to school and working at Mobilight. He had just accepted a promotion there.
So far this year...we have been researching options for the future. We want to find a way to let Judd dedicate the next couple of years just to school. We're excited about the changes that seem to be on the horizon. We're still debating about buying a house. I'm still teaching diagnostic kindergarten and I enjoy it more and more. Judd still works at Mobilight. Life has been exciting and good. We love each other and continue to grow in that love everyday.
Today...I'm desperately trying to figure out our camping trip for this weekend (it's my first day of Spring Break). We didn't realize that you had to make reservations so far in advance for camping in St. George! So today, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it will all work out. We both really need to get away for a few days.
Later tonight...We'll hopefully be packing for our camping trip!
Tomorrow...We'll hopefully be driving to St. George, finding a place to camp, and relaxing in the 70 degree weather!
This year...we look forward to the changes that will come. We'll probably be moving, either into a house or an apartment closer to the University. We might get a puppy. :) (If I can talk Judd into it!) I'll start with a new class in August, and Judd will hopefully be a full time student at the U. (I've said hopefully a lot in this post.) We might try to make it out to Missouri, California, or Florida to visit some of Judd's family. With so many "hopeful" things on the horizon, I know it will turn out to be a productive and great year!
Now I tag Steph, Bekah and Amanda!
1 comment:
Thanks for doing that! Its fun to read these little re-caps!
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