We are getting really excited and pretty nervous! It's a big change for us, but it will be so nice to have something that is our own! You'll all have to come and visit us and stay the night! (I am really excited to have a place to offer now!!)
One of the reasons I haven't blogged for a while is that I got really sick two weeks ago and am just BARELY feeling better. I hate getting sick, especially when it ruins my plans. We were supposed to go watch the season premiere of the Office at our friend's house last Thursday, but that just had to be the day that I started to feel like poop, and we couldn't go. I missed 3 days of work, and that wasn't even fun because I was so miserable that I would've chosen to be at work had I the choice. So that was lots of fun. I just started feeling myself again yesterday, so today has been very nice!
This weekend my parents and I flew out to my cousin Dustin's wedding. I haven't seen him in maybe 7 years, so it was fun to see him and meet his pretty bride. I also had fun seeing my aunts and uncles. It seems like we usually only get together for funerals these days, so it was fun to see them on a more joyous occasion. It made me realize that LDS receptions are a little boring sometimes, 'cause these guys knew how to party! haha. It probably would've been more fun for me had I partaken of the provided "spirits" at the reception, but it was fun nonetheless.
I am 1 1/2 weeks away from going off-track and I can't believe how fast these past few months have gone so far. I really have a good class this year. They say the cutest things all of the time. I have to tell one story (my family gets really sick of my stories). I have this little girl that talks in the cutest voice. It's really high, and she's sometimes hard to understand. Anyway, she's a doll, and when I was feeling that Thursday (the really inconvenient one), I was resting my head in my hands and she started the cutest conversation. It went like this:
C: "you okay?"
me: "yeah, I'm just feeling a little sick"
C: "go home"
me: "that's a good idea!"
C: "go bed"
Now I realize as I'm reading this that it doesn't sound as cute without me imitating her voice, but it was SO cute! And really funny. Every time I have coughed since that conversation, she has said, "get drink" or "you stay?". She's so cute. I love little kids, and I think I have 23 of the cutest 5 year olds in my classes this year. I am pretty lucky.
Another thing I wanted to post about, but instead I will just mention, is that I am SO EXCITED FOR FALL!!! I love this time of year. I know a lot of people do, and I know why. I love the weather, I love the smell in the air (and the smell of fall candles), I love the excitement that the start of the holiday season brings, I LOVE Halloween, I love the colors in the mountains, and SO much more. This is seriously the best time of year and I can't help but be happy all of the time (well most :)). I am excited to be in my house so I can decorate for all of the fun things coming up!
One more thing, and then, for those of you who actually survived to the end of this post, I will stop boring you. Judd got a new job up at the U. His boss at his other job is less than awesome. I have not very nice feelings for or words about him, but since I'm so happy that it's fall, I'll skip that part. :) So, Judd got another job as a network administrator at the U. He says he feels a little overwhelmed right now, but he likes it so far. I am so grateful for him. We tried so hard to find a way that he could not work and just focus on school, but someone (his boss) sort of ruined that for us, and I can't express how grateful I am that Judd is taking upon himself so much responsibility and stress to support us. He's the hardest working person I have ever met, and he hardly ever complains! I need to be more like him. I love him and know that he does all of this for me, and that makes me feel so loved. He's the best ever. You should all be jealous that he's mine. :)
Welp, I think I'm finally done! Oh except, I just finished reading the draft of Midnight Sun and I am really mad at Stephanie Meyer. I think she is being really stupid about all of this, and I think she should just finish and release the dang book. I mean really, anyone that was going to buy it in the first place, will still buy regardless of a dumb draft that was leaked out. Don't you agree? My friend Maghann said it just how I feel. You should read her post on it here.
All right....I'm out!
YAY!!! I am so happy for you both and your new housing - how excitiing. I want to come and play when its done. I will bring the Martinelli's!!!
Your house is looking so great! I am so happy for you!
Also I am mad at Stephenie Meyer as well... Hello... we made you so filthy rich... maybe you should just finish the book. It is rather disappointing... I haven't read the draft yet because I am bitter.
Ps. did you get the invite to my Halloween party?
Oh you are going to love having your own home! How exciting! Congrats to Judd on his new job! And I am so happy that your class is so great! I thought your story was way cute, maybe it's because I have a few like that as well.
Yeah, it is about time. But I'll cut you some slack ;) I know what a stressful time this can be!!! Congrats to J's new job...though I know he'd rather NOT work. This will look good on the Resume. And um....hmmm...thinking about whether or not I'm jealous that you got him. Hmmm, not so much. :) You can have him because he's not happy unless he's with you and we all know how an unhappy Jud can be...like a cow waiting to be milked.
ha. made myself laugh. Love ya!
Luke's making me take my joke back. Though I was cracking myself up because it made no sense. That was part of the fun. Anywho, HAPPY 2ND ANNIVERSARY!!!
Fun new place to live!!! Can't wait to see it!
I'm so excited for you to have your own home...I'm very anxious for the day I have a place.
I like your story about your student. It made me smile! ;)
I'm also glad that you're feeling better. Being sick is never fun.
Aren't hard working husbands the best? I have one of those myself!
Are you going to get to close today? I'll keep my fingers crossed for you... good luck!
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