July 28, 2008

So Much to Update!

I have so much to update, and I actually took some pictures of the events! When I do that, however, I always procrastinate putting in on here even more because it takes so long. So I told my self, just take it one step at a time! So my first posting is random, but I think it's pretty funny. Here's the short story. Judd bought a headlamp awhile ago because he was planning on going on a backpacking trip in Colorado. He didn't end up getting to go on his backpacking trip, but he sure does love that headlamp. I always tease him because he wears it while he's reading in bed. He does it just to be funny and it works. I think it's so funny. I wish he really did love his headlamp SO much that he wore it everywhere. Anyway, one night, I took pictures of him and his little friend.

Isn't he SO cute? I love him so much!


April said...

That's funny! Why does he wear it when the light is already on?!

Rob and Tami Stewart said...

My husband does the exact same thing with his! haha!

Kathrin Paul said...

Ok. Please tell Judd that he just got 20 rockstar points, because I LOVE headlamps! I had one in 03 at camp and it saved my life a few times when we had to go up or down the mountain in the dark. They also are so phenomenal while squatting 90 degrees in a latrine. My girls always thought it looked so funny, but it was also very functional. LOVE THEM!! :)

Steph said...

HA!!!!! I had no idea about his headlamp when I told you to leave it on the nightstand with the Twilight series. I think he may just be Luke's new best friend!!! You are hilarious! I am the SAME way about blogging. Procrastination = stress = procrastinating more.

Anonymous said...

That looks like something Spencer would do!

Valerie said...

Okay, I had to laugh at this because Richard does the same thing! We call his the "geek light!" He has already got the boys walking around wearing them too! It cracks me up!