November 30, 2007

A Bad Week

For some reason I felt like I was in a bad mood the whole week. I don't know what it was. There were so many things that should've made it a great week, but I left work today feeling like I had just had the worst week of my life. The weird thing is that a lot of people at work were all feeling the same way, and not sure why. Hmmm. Must be something in the air. There were some really good things about this week. I decorated for Christmas and now our apartment feels nice and homey. Oh, the best part of the week was on Wednesday, I was REALLY mad about some things that happened at work, and on my lunch break I called Judd so I could vent, and he left his work right away and brought me lunch. I have the best husband in the whole world! So when I really think about it, it wasn't the WORST week ever, but I still feel like it. Weird.


Julie said...

Cute blog Chunk! Don't forget to check out my recipe blog too!

Anonymous said...

I have days like too... when you just feel like everything sucks... even though it really doesn't... I don't know why I feel like that either. That is real sweet of Judd to bring you lunch. What a cute husband!

Anonymous said...

We should total go and eat at Cafe Rio. Spencer is always working late and he is actually leaving on Wednesday night to go to St. George for a few day so I will be all alone!! We should plan a play date!!

Bekah said...

Becky! I love that you have a blog, and I don't think it's boring at all. Keep the updates coming. I hope this week is going better for you. I love you!